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Tue 22 Oct 2024   1:29am


Open to input from all residents of Darnestown, Maryland.
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They Plan to soon put a Cell Tower in Your Front Yard - Here is what will happen to you


Thousands of military and scientific studies summarily show that '100% of those exposed to microwave radiation are affected.' -- Here is copious evidence of cancer, sickness, disease to instantly silence ignorant or evil oafs who screech, 'no scientific studies show harm' because, in painful fact, nearly all do. And, precisely zero studies prove safety, as verified by Senator Blumenthal.


Resisting the insane push to install cancer-causing Microwave Radiation Blasters (i.e., 5G cells) in, on, or dangerously near every home -- "every home" includes yours, too.

ZTA 18-11 / ZTA 19-07 - Allows a Cell Tower in Your Front Yard -- Mini Cell Towers In Front of Our Homes

Council President Hans Reimer at the request of County Executive Ike Leggett introduced ZTA 18-11 on July 27th - a proposed ordinance to allow faster, easier installation of wireless cell towers INSIDE residential neighborhoods.

Mini Cell Towers In Front of Our Homes

(documentary) RESONANCE: Beings of Frequency, 46:10 in

"What we found is that we weren't the only cancer cluster around a phone mast; there are many cancer clusters around phone masts." - Eileen O'Connor, Wishaw (England) mast breast cancer victim, 48:40 in

Smart Meter Fiasco

A treasure trove of info on radiation dangers

Another treasure trove of alternative health info

U.S. Gov't Knew Decades Ago About Adverse Health Effects from WiFi / CellPhone Radiation According to 4,000 Documents

Newly repurposed "Sol-Ag Preserve"


The sanctity of Montgomery County's Agricultural Preserve, which in some ways has always limited private land ownership, is lately being eroded, presently by plans for invasive, massive fields of solar panel arrays.

Here is more of the globalists' AGENDA 21 / AGENDA 2030 push toward "anti-you" collectivism under guise of "green" efforts, warned of since so many years ago by Rosa Koire -- "It's about changing government to governance, taking away your voice and vote." 2:15 in


If the already-ailing trees could scream, they would. SOLAR in the ever-eroding MoCo "ag reserve" -- better named "solag reserve"?

Reserve Stakeholders forge pathway forward for solar - convenient reveal, after-the-fact

The Solar Pitch -- "fact sheet"

America's Top Owner of Farmland: Bill Gates -- In Control of Food

Your Dying Trees, 10% dead, 50% dying -- Are you caring yet?


We published this information many years ago, at a time when precious few personally noticed the perhaps 20% affliction of the trees throughout Darnestown. In 2021 all of Darnestown suffers a never-before-seen multitude of fallen trees and many more, perhaps more than half, dying where they (tenuously) stand. Arborists blame a "blight" or whatever; consider how "blight" may stem from what keeps the skies milky instead of deep azure blue.


It's 2021 and maybe one-half of Darnestown's trees are dead or diseased and dying. When will you care?

Sudden Oak Death - outing the hoaks

Up to 10% of old trees now dead, another 10% dying - Will you care before or after all yours are gone?

Fully 10% of trees in and around Darnestown are horizontal and another 10% are presently showing egregious signs of odd decay and impending death -- light-green mould build-up, "drying" from the inside out and dying while standing in-place, all leaves eaten-through with holes, many thick trunks strangely broken-off half-way up like dried match-sticks, roots that no longer hold into the ground and topple as huge dirt clumps, lifeless limbs and debarking trunks. This seems way beyond 'natural' or 'normal', unprecedented in known history. Go have a look for yourself.

"Dirty pool" -- Ongoing Vandalism of Darnestown Wikipedia


Darnestown, Maryland, an ongoing, microcosmic example of Orwell's "memory hole": Attempted silencing of alternative voices, views and news should deeply, harshly upset everyone as all are inherently vulnerable to manipulation by omission of information. Beware their "edits" and gaslighting erasures that skew reality and limit your scope of information.

13 June 2022 -- darnestown.net External Link re-added to wikipedia page.

Dec 2021 to Jun 2022 -- User page for long-time wikipedia volunteer editor and monetary contributor SpookyMike was removed along with notifications of edits to Darnestown, Maryland wikipedia page. See edits to user SpookyMike talk page dated 2011.

28 Dec 2021 -- darnestown.net removed by M.boli for reason "darnestown.net seems to be gone"; meanwhile, darnestown.net has been running reliably as always.

8 May 2020 -- User "TwoScars" removed darnestown.net External Link. Whim; no reason given.

7 Dec 2013 -- darnestown.net External Link re-added to wikipedia. This link, which had been present for over two decades, was recently removed without explanation at whim of one non-resident, "TwoScars".

UN AGENDA 21 grabs your land


AGENDA 21 is communitarianism, which insists that community 'rights' and 'well-being' are greater than individuals'. It is antithetical to an America founded upon individual rights, pursuits and property.

The United Nations funds numerous efforts as part of AGENDA 21 (many already well underway) with the purpose of ending private land ownership, private property, and all private means of production. AGENDA 21 puts "community rights" ahead of all individuals' rights -- it is communitarianism, collectivism, socialism. It takes from the haves and gives to nebulous collective "governance". AGENDA 2030 is its addendum.

Rosa Koire on Corbett Report -- AGENDA 21 is the enablement of total takeover of all resources by those who want to (and presently do) control the earth and life on it. Because most people pay no attention to their local governments, the UN is implementing Its plan within local governments, totally out in the open but with almost no public awareness. This interview reveals how to identify and combat AGENDA 21, which intends to invert your life.

Against UN Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire's main website

Code-words for the AGENDA 21: "scenic byways", "community supported agriculture" (CSA), "sustainable" anything. Learn how "community supported agriculture" (CSA) perniciously stems from UN's AGENDA 21 resource- and land-grab.


"Incubator Farms", disguised AGENDA 21 projects

United Nations' anti-vehicle AGENDA 21 - Radical anti-vehicle efforts in California, youtuber GRINELL61

Who's Running America, Climate Action Plan, and the CAP - Deb Tavares

The global "Green" Movement, comes from an incredibly strange, esoteric, occulted history -- OCCULT GREENS - DOCUMENTARY by Thomas Sheridan

Local Govs, Globalist Tools vs You?


GOVERN - from GUBERE, to control. MENT - from MENTE, the mind.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - PLATO


Kill Cities by Rothschild and Rockefeller - Deb Tavares

Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed - Deb Tavares

Our Governments - Set to Kill Our Kids - Deb Tavares

Primary Water EXPLAINED - There is no "Water Shortage" - Deb Tavares

Origins of Water - Deb Tavares


Weaponized Weather Strikes - Rockefeller and Rothschild Have a PLAN - Deb Tavares

Deborah Tavares Global Strategic War Plans

USA, Inc. - "MARKETS" of Crime

Silent Weapons for Quiet Warfare - Deborah Tavares

Fracking in Maryland


"Hydraulic fracking (for natural gas) contaminates well water -- known toxic chemicals, hundreds of them in hazardous soup and all without formula disclosure or regulation, are forcefully injected without regard of drinking water aquifers.

In neighboring states and across the nation, evidence is mounting that drilling and fracking for natural gas leads to polluted air and water, serious health problems, earthquakes and economic losses for local communities. Don't miss the ignitable, flaming tap-water at 25:10 into GASLAND 2010 documentary -- once you see that, it's instantly obvious the fracksters are anti-earthers: "...water, so contaminated, it catches on fire."

Maryland's governor, Larry Hogan, has said he wants to move forward with drilling - despite the growing evidence of harm. The latest poll in Maryland found 56 percent of Maryland registered voters oppose fracking. New York state recently banned fracking, citing significant public health risks and unknown long term cumulative health effects.

A ban on fracking in Maryland is necessary to protect human health, land and water resources, and sustainable economic development in our state. The Maryland General Assembly must prioritize the health and safety of its residents, stand with the science and pass a statewide ban on fracking.


Your clean well-water -- don't let them frack it all up.

Fracking in Maryland unless you repulse it!

The plan is to grab gas for profit, despite poisoning and polluting your aquifers. Take an interest...or stop drinking water.

Yoko Ono on Gasland - "We're all water, from different rivers."

GasLand 2010 - Josh Fox

Gasland 2013 - Josh Fox