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Tue 22 Oct 2024   3:29am



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Globalist agendae suppressing and threatening local life via local councils, officials, etc.

NRL: Reality of electronically generating extreme temperature "plasma" events in upper atmosphere -- basis of weather control, warfare

"...and we've seen very severe weather -- very, very strong storms -- develop from these things [NEXRAD and HAARP facilities]."

Pulsed electromagnetic RADAR waves are blasted out, causing atmospheric heating, which then modifies local weather. Patterns extensively documented by youtuber DUTCHSINSE shows the appearance of "HAARP rings" followed within 24-48 hours by extreme weather localized to the energy blasts.

Hundreds of cases have been documented in the many videos on DUTCHSINSE channel.

It's now 2023. DUTCHSINSE posted this information in 2013. And what he posted included source documents dating from 1994 describing then-current capabilities. Imagine the incredible advancements made in the past 20 years. Weather Modification is no doubt meeting or exceeding the USAF's stated goal of "owning the weather by 2025".

Catholics / Vatican culprit in weakening USA by importing / supporting illegal aliens -- Sheriff Dawson, Brewster County, TX, May 2022

At 37:50 in Sheriff Dawson says, essentially, '...Catholic reflief orgs propagate the illegals into the US.'

Historically the Vatican has weakened countries by introducing illegal foreigners, fomenting an open-border policy, to disunite and fracture the country.

ZTA 19-07 Allows toxic radiation blasters 30 feet from any home -- DEPOSE NOW OR DIE

"Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period. This is no longer a subject for debate [after] you look at PubMed and the peer-reviewed literature. These effects [of 5G radiation] are seen in all life form, plants, animals, insects, microbes.

PubMed: "Conclusion: There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and WCR exposure. The evidence presented here indicates that mechanisms involved in the clinical progression of COVID-19 could also be generated, according to experimental data, by WCR exposure. Therefore, we propose a link between adverse bioeffects of WCR exposure from wireless devices and COVID-19." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles​/PMC8580522/pdf/jclintranslres-2021-7-5-6​66.pdf

Politicians referring to themselves in third-person should be automatically removed from office

The double-masked / fear-FEAR-FFEEAARR!!! / lock-down mantra madness continues, mostly unabated, in Montgomery County, Maryland, despite nearly all the rest of humanity coming (finally) to realize that if not a total hoax "COVID" was an extraordinarily overhyped frenzy not based in true science but rather in mind-control psyence. An amazing article pounding this point is here: https://thefreedomarticles.com/study-anal​yzes-wireless-radiation-covid-connection/​

11 Mar 2021 - direct quote from email emitted by County Executive Marc Elrich -- "Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich is encouraged that the County is making good progress in lowering the rate of COVID-19 infections and that it is gradually getting vaccines to residents. However, he thinks safety precautions must continue to be followed and is concerned by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s surprising announcement that he will end most State restrictions starting Friday."

With symptoms indistinguishable from overexposure to 3G, 4G, and 5G microwave radiation, "COVID" is most likely due to the unchecked onslaught of the environmental poison AKA cellphones, wifi, cordless, smart meters, and "5G". INVISIBLE RAINBOW book by Arthur Firstenberg provides much historical detail. A scientific study linked here shows and tells the most recent findings -- https://toxi.com/blogs/605234bf7bab832bd9​28ae03

When those in positions of power do not keep up with history and breaking developments and continue to oppress without cause, they are culpable of something that must be removed from power for the safety and longevity of us all.

Oh by the way, the MoCo county council is about to allow an unchecked onslaught microwave blasters atop telephone poles and even streetlights, up to 30 feet near any house -- YOUR HOUSE.

So if you didn't have serious medical problems before, you soon may.

According to military studies, thousands of which are listed and linked at https://toxi.com/5g, which decry microwave radiation as toxic, MoCo residents should expect to suffer dramatically rising rates of headache, sleeplessness, ringing ears, dizziness, fatigue, heart arrhythmia, and much worse. Microwaves split DNA; split DNA causes Cancer; microwaves cause Cancer.

The most major "victim" of COVID has been small business and thus Middle Class America. A weakened Middle Class America is far more easily overpowered by a United Nations, perfectly suiting a globalist agenda long underway. Coincidence or Plan? Either way, the result is identical: Your subjugation, sickness, povertization.

Do something, before they begin their next step: Your slow-kill sickening from 24/7 irradiation. Start here: [url]https://techwisemocomd.org/url] ...immediately. Time is short.

"Retirement" of Dickerson Coal Power Plant - 15 May 2020 - Busy busy under cover of COVID

So we're going from 540 MW (coal) down to 31 MW (via natural gas).

This appears as the creation of the Problem in the Hegelian "Problem-Reaction-Solution" control matrix.

Part of the Reaction appears to be the new, massive solar farm in the Montgomery County, Maryland Ag Preserve.

White’s Ferry started shuttling passengers across the Potomac River in the 1700s. It closed Monday.

"Libby Devlin, a co-owner of Rockland Farm, said Monday that she was “shocked” by White’s Ferry’s decision to shutter."

Come on Libby, quit lying. The Ferry owners changed a wooden retaining wall to concrete and now you are looking for money. You even offered to buy their family business. Libby Devlin you are full of yourself and driven by greed.

Try this: go on Google Maps, satellite view, and zoom in on the Virginia landing of the ferry, then drop the little man on the pavement of the landing for a street view. The roadway from the landing has a near-90 degree right turn and then a 180 degree u-turn to the left as it winds up the slope to connect to the road along the river. The rebuilt concrete retaining wall is located in between the ferry landing and the upper road section. There's no way this change had any effect on the farm's use of the land. The road and loop was already there, so there was no real expansion of the ferry's footprint. This suit is not about the retaining wall. It's about cancelling the 1952 license agreement and strong-arming the ferry for huge amounts of cash. No new "injury" has been suffered by the farm owners here. They are blatantly taking advantage of the situation while crying "victim." Drop the victim B.S. and just say it: you saw an opportunity the demand a lot of money, so you did.

Did anyone actually read Rockland Farm’s response before jumping on the RF BAD bandwagon?

“In 1947, Elijah White wanted to reopen Conrad’s Ferry under the name White’s Ferry after a terrible flood which had closed Conrad’s ferry for a long time. They sent a letter to Rockland Farm acknowledging that they had no right to use Rockland’s property for the landing and asked the owners of Rockland Farm, for an agreement. In 1952, Elizabeth Rust Brown and Stanley Noel Brown, owners of Rockland Farm entered into a licensing agreement with White’s Ferry for $5.00 per year for the use of a landing at Rockland Farm so long as the ferry landing was never changed or enlarged under its current configuration. Since that time, White’s Ferry evolved from being a small operation of a few cars per day to a major commuter route.

Sixteen years ago, on July 4th weekend, White’s Ferry (without prior notification or permission from Rockland and without obtaining any government permits) unlawfully enlarged the ferry landing and built structures on Rockland. So doing violated a license agreement between White’s Ferry and Rockland that had been in place for more than half a century. Since then Rockland has been attempting to work out some fair arrangement with the owners of White’s Ferry. In response, all White’s Ferry has done is to delay, delay, delay, all the while making millions of dollars off the use of Rockland.

Finally, after being stonewalled time and again by White’s Ferry, Rockland had no choice but to file suit on December 2, 2009. After many attempts to settle the case out of court which delayed the trial by years, the suit was decided in Rockland’s favor on November 23rd, 2020. The court definitively ruled that the owners of White’s Ferry had been and are trespassing and are no longer able to make use of Rockland without Rockland’s permission.”

Rockland gave White SIXTEEN YEARS to come up with a solution.

You claim the rebuilding of the retaining wall was clearly a breach. In fact, it took the Court many years, with the benefit of the legal research of the two sides and a number of very sharp legal minds, to come to that conclusion. What's pretty obvious is that the Ferry operator thought what he was doing was fine, and it was certainly within the spirit of the original deal. But the farm owner, who paid for their land encumbered by a license and so never had any expectation of use of this tiny parcel, saw an opportunity for a pure windfall. It's morally wrong to screw thousands of travelers to grab money the farm owner bore no risk for and does not represent a return on any investment she made.

Libby Devlin is “shocked” that asking $200k on top of the $100k damages settlement has caused the ferry to close but later in the article says she would like to buy it. That, I think, is the real underlying issue here. She knew they wouldn’t sell so she used a backhanded tactic instead. Tacky, Libby, really tacky.

Sudden Oak Death - another hoaks

Deb Tavares outs the hoax again

America's Top Owner of Farmland: Bill Gates -- In Control of Food

Intrinsic to AGENDA 2030, goal to control food, transmogrify it into GMO, anti-natural in the extreme.

From the video comments: "I think instead of a "Great" awakening, some people are in for a "RUDE" awakening. It appears to me "they" are trying to kill "us" to make way for their AI/Robots race. 5g,6g 7g etc is not for us mere humans. It's for the new race." This is more true than hardly anyone realizes -- the civilizations are raised, then razed after having created a new useful tool or weapon for the controllers. Digital computer technology, internet technology, nano tech, robo tech, microwave weaponry, and genetic modification are the tools and weapons our civilization is being used to create; once that is sufficiently advanced, there will be another Great Reset, in the long line of (possibly) countless before.

On growing local food supply -- Big Food cuts supply lines -- IceAge Farmer

from ~8:00 in

Over 800 "5G" Satellites have been launched. Microwave radiation sickness presents identically to COVID. Is COVID simply 5G microwave radiation sickness?

When lab rats are intentionally killed by microwave exposure, from what do they actually die? Nasal and lung inflammation and hemorhage.

"Approximately 1,400 male rats ... were exposed [to various microwaves at varying powers and durations, 10 sec to 300 sec] ... The cause of death has been established as congestion, hemorrhage, and obstruction of nasal passages and/or congestion, hemorrhage, and often edema of the lungs."

Here is scientific proof that microwave radiation (5G, 4G, 3G, 2G and everything "cordless") kills by inflaming and destroying lung and nasal tissue and function.

Same as COVID, according to autopsies.

Therefore, instead of suspecting an invisible, unfindable boogey-virus, we should strongly consider sharply rising exposure to microwave radiation as causal to the sharply rising COVID cases.

Books detailing the virus brought into existence more by words than any scientific study, anywhere, ever --
1. Dr Tom Cowan's CONTAGION MYTH
2. Arthur Firstenberg's INVISIBLE RAINBOW
3. Parker and Lester's WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL

As number of Elon Musk / SPACE-X "STARLINK" 5G Satellites Increases, "Coronavirus" Increases -- 5G causal link ??

As the number of STARLINK 5G satellites increases, up to 360 out of several thousand planned, Coronavirus continues to appear 'randomly' all over the coverage area. No studies have been published proving the safety of 5G. Thousands of published studies prove the harm to biological systems and life caused by RF energy and electromagnetic fields.

Arthur Firstenberg's INVISIBLE RAINBOW book already showed direct corollary / apparent causation of increased electrification of Earth to increased disease on Earth. Isn't this Starlink 5G satellites = More Coronavirus just more proof ?

"school closures" cover-up for secret installation of deadly 5G tech ?

100% classroom disruption: swearing, fighting, assault, violence

microwave blasting cell towers atop every skool, packed with wifi, that all destroy brain cells, chemicals. no connection whatsoever, absolutely not

Financial motive proven driver behind "no child left behind" policy of allowing mediocrity

$10,750 bonus paid to super/principal in Patterson NJ for higher graduation rates. "What can we do to get Dumbo passed?" Think this isn't driving your local pub ed ?

Queer Fish in the Potomac River and Your Kids Being Turned LGBTQueer

30% of alligators in Everglades are turning up w/ shrunken penises. "Male fish with female innards" have shown up in Maryland's Potomac River.

Obama's "science czar" John Holdren's 1,400 page textbook on eugenics and depopulation, titled ECOSCIENCE, discusses poisoning the public water supplies with endocrine disruptors and worse. Presumably, with all the queer fish and alligators, this is further along than simply planning.

Here's a "conspiracy theory" for y'all --

Co-authors of ECOSCIENCE book are named EHRLICH.

Maryland's ex-governor EHRLICH hides all his familial relations.

Washington Post reported queer fish in Potomac River during EHRLICH's reign there (Maryland owns 100% of Potomac River).

Is it conceivable that Maryland's EHRLICH is related to the EHRLICH authors of ECOSCIENCE, thus fully but diabolically explaining the Potomac River's queer fish as a test, proof-of-concept, or maybe even far worse? DC gets all its drinking water from Potomac River and the homosexual rates there are reportedly skyrocketing. Can similar diabolique be traced in other high-LGBT cities such as Phila? Is "gay water" possibly a consequence of the USAF's admitted "gay bomb" (google it) which received how many unknown millions of funding? With the military's long-admitted penchant for poisoning its own citizenry, is the modern unprecedented leap in LGBTness possibly man-made?

History is a Lie, We Have Been Set Up! [Podcast With Visuals]

Goes into mudflood; Tartaria eradication; alternative energies; civilization creation/eradication by church; media-hype / promotion of dogs as means of clean-up after genocide; setup of 5G as ultimate surveillance and control system, slow-kill cooker (by inescapable microwaves), and also emergency mass-kill grid (as predictively programmed in movie KINGSMAN).

#TargetDown EMP and Planned Outages in USA and South America! - Tens of Millions without Power

Directed Energy Weapons can be used to emulate an "EMP event" and burn out power grid, transformers, substations, high-tension lines, etc. See http://deps.org Directed Energy Professionals Society, with huge military contractors not hiding but selling books, classes, memberships -- website online since 1999 !

See also Eric Dollard's explanation of how and why the Power Grid is being intentionally weakened, to make EMP events / DEW attacks much more harmful, allow electrical noise and electro-pollution to go from local and regional to having national impact. See http://conspira.org/power_grid

Without all the intentional weakness and hurt, PEPCO is already plenty awful enough.

Of course, after the electrical power grid is intentionally (or foolhardily) taken down for days, weeks, months or even longer, by whatever means, under whatever excuse, "who could have imagined" (nod to Condoleeza Rice / 911 false flabbergastoid) that all those thousands of biological warfare laboratories, purportedly housing deadly pathogens in deep-freeze, and sprinkled liberally all over the USA -- who could ever have imagined that the power grid would go down for so long that there would be a thaw-out of all those deadly man-made pathogens, and an escape, leading to massive, deadly consequent pandemics!! Who could ever have imagined!!?!?

Flesh Eating Bacteria Caused by Common Diabetes Drug

Certain medications used to treat diabetes have been linked to cases of a rare, potentially deadly flesh-eating genital infection, the Food and Drug Administration announced this week. The medications affected: sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, which are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. A Wednesday release from the FDA lists more than a dozen drugs that will have to warn of the infection. Among the brand names listed: Invokana, Farxiga and Jardiance. The infection that prompted the warning is “necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum,” also called “Fournier’s gangrene.” The rare infection affects the genital region and has a mortality rate of more than 20 percent, according to a 2012 study published by ISRN Surgery and US National Library of Medicine.

Pussy Riot Founder Poisoned, Femen Founder Dead, What are the Connections?

Verzilov was one of four members of the group to invade the pitch, dressed in a police officer’s uniform, during the World Cup final between France and Croatia. It was part of a protest against Russian police brutality after a series of torture allegations were reported from prisons and police interrogation rooms across the country. Verzilov reportedly fell ill after Nikulshina and another member of Pussy Riot attended a court hearing. Verzilov has been involved in protest art in Russia for more than a decade, participating in both the Voina art collective and the formation of Pussy Riot. He recently became the publisher of Mediazona, an independent Russian-language site founded by Pussy Riot members Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and, which focuses on court cases and conditions in Russian prisons.

Millions of Abandoned Water Bottles Meant for Hurricane Survivors Found in Puerto Rico

Trump Executive Order Clears the Way for GMO Animals

Court Rules Children Can be Banned from School for Not Having Chickenpox Vaccine

See MURDER BY INJECTION by Eustace Mullins for truth about most doctors, AMA, FDA, and the entire Rockefeller-funded, eugenicidal intent of western medicine. https://www.google.com/search?q=%2Bpdf%2C​+murder+by+injection

"The live vaccine probably confers less immunity than natural infection, which would be why shingles occurs more often with the vaccination. The effect on public health of the chickenpox, German measles and mumps vaccines in childhood is trivial, but the diseases become more serious in adulthood. I think if children don't get these illnesses then teenagers - or adults if they missed getting immunity - should get these vaccinations. Measles is more serious, but there again, it makes more sense to give the second vaccination to adolescents to prevent complications in adults. I have a more old fashioned perspective on this."

See also DR MARY'S MONKEY and youtubes by JUDYTH VARY BAKER

See also Dr Zach Bush


LYME DISEASE -- House Orders Pentagon to Investigate Whether Ticks Were Used as Biological Weapons

De Pop YOU lation -- CDC Declares US Fertility at an "All Time Low"

"CHILDREN OF MEN" movie is all about dystopian future nightmare in which the youngest living human has just turned 18 years old -- meaning that humanity has been made to stop reproducing.

ZOG Hollywood / mass-media hired Julianne Moore and other big-name actors and invested many millions of dollars to ensure that another route of getting out their eugenicdal / depopulationist message would be blazed by this movie, directly into the minds of many humans. Mind control. Depop YOU lation. YOU ARE THEIR TARGET. YOU AND ALL YOUR OFFSPRING. W T F U

See youtubes by CURTIS DUNCAN, particularly Radio314 interview.


1 in 3 Americans qualify as obese. Only Colorado and DC have relatively "low" obesity.

EPA, USDA Dropping Cyanide from Planes to Kill Wild Animals

Rubber Tires - A dirty business

"Worn out" tires have only their surface worn down, which is only about 20% of the total rubber in the tire. "Retreaded" tires have this 20% added / re-melted onto their surface. Performance matches "new" tires in every way. Discarding "worn out" tires is 80% wasteful.

"Grey Water" Poisonings -- Nationwide Legionnaire Disease Deaths Tied to Dirty City Water


Contaminated water being sprayed on agriculture is one of the reasons you can get a parasite or typhoid in foreign countries like Peru. For example, the strawberries in Peru are toxic for just this reason... which I only discovered after the fact, after having gotten sick with typhoid and a parasite. This used to be why living in the US was safer and you didn't need to consider these things.

I used to know a guy who was an engineer at a local Ford plant back during the turn of the century (2K not 1900). He had told me about how strict their wastewater regulations were to the point that when they finally discharged it from the plant the water was cleaner than the water coming out of their water fountains (The drinking water here in the area had always been good. Hopefully it still is. I'm still drinking it.) I remember Trump saying something in an interview where he wanted for any new regulation to pass two had to be eliminated. I don't know if that was ever implemented. The Trump supporters aren't going to talk about it especially if it's having a negative environmental impact and the left is more concerned about Muh Russia and Evil Orange Hitler Man bad and everyone's a evil White Supremacist Nationalist Nazi than they are about the environment like they used to be once upon a time.

Bowl haircut and O.K. Hand Sign now classified by ADL as Hate Symbol / Hate Speech

"The bowl-shaped haircut worn by the white supremacist who killed nine black worshipers in Charleston, S.C., stands among the most disturbing and distinctive images that extremists have shared online. Others include letters drawn from the ancient runic alphabet — a particular favorite among neo-Nazis — or slogans like “Diversity=White genocide.”

"They are among the many symbols, slogans and memes that white supremacists are deploying as propaganda and which are drawing more scrutiny amid a broader effort to curtail extremist violence in the United States.

"On Thursday, the Anti-Defamation League is adding 36 entries to its longstanding online catalog of extremist symbols, many of which are built around racist stereotypes that have been spread about African Americans and Jews.

"About 10 of them are the logos of extremist organizations. Several others are numeric codes that can carry hidden messages, like the numbers 109 or 110, anti-Semitic shorthand that claims that Jews have been expelled from 109 countries and that the United States should become the 110th.

Instagram and Facebook Platforms Block Vaccine MisInformation

Youtube Settles Child Privacy Violations for $170 Million

Bethesda to be targeted -- Merck to Test #Ebola Vaccine in Maryland and Georgia

Colloidal Silver Water is thought to be effective regarding Ebola. See http://ebolasilver.com

Montgomery County, Maryland --- a "sanctuary county" --- County gov funds and is therefore dramatically overrun by illegal criminals --- Apparently part of AGENDA 21 plan to "diversify", "equalize", and ultimately drive entrenched residents off their land

2019 Sep -- FAIR's Dan Stein, Matt O'Brien, and Shari Rendall discuss the recent illegal alien crime wave in Montgomery County, Maryland.

"Do people understand that Montgomery County [via taxes] is [subsidizing]/funding/causing the crime wave?" -- 10:10 into video

ELRICH is Governor. See the article on former Governor Erlich, regarding the suspected involvement of depopulative agendas.



"Diversity" is code-word for Divide-And-Conquer.

"...according to SCAAP data, there were at least 563 illegal aliens locked up in Montgomery County jails in 2016. That is roughly one quarter of all the illegal aliens incarcerated in the State of Maryland. So, Montgomery County has more than 25 percent of Maryland’s illegal alien inmate population, despite being home to only 15 percent of the state’s total population. That is because Maryland’s most populous county has been working overtime to turn itself into a magnet for illegal aliens, many with ties to criminal gangs and drug trafficking organizations."

"So what, exactly, is going on in Montgomery County? It has simply made itself far too attractive to illegal aliens by declaring itself to be a sanctuary jurisdiction. Montgomery County has loudly and proudly announced that it is a sanctuary jurisdiction that does not cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). And, as one would expect, that status seems to be attracting an unsavory cast of illegal aliens who are engaging in a higher than average number of crimes."

"Montgomery County is basically making itself safe-haven for a criminal element"

MoCo is being done like Germany: illegals hoarded in, to divide and conquer. "Diversity" is code-word for divide-and-conquer tactic to subjugate population.

"Montgomery County is basically making itself safe-haven for a criminal element"

MoCo is being done like Germany: illegals hoarded in, to divide and conquer. "Diversity" is code-word for divide-and-conquer tactic to subjugate population.

The Psychological Weapon Known as the Delphi Technique

Town Hall meetings are a United Nations trick using the Delphi Technique to silence dissent.

Understand their techniques to put you down.

The Monroe Doctrine and the Jesuits' Involvement in the American Banking System

Understanding exactly why things are so screwed up, and who is doing it, who benefits from it.

A deep, critical examination of early American history with regards to banking and religion.

The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report -- all government agencies have these. The hard numbers are in these; it is the truest reporting available. The "budget" is something very different; it is a propaganda hallucination, a goal, a projection.

AGENDA 21 Infiltrator Spills NEVER Before Heard Secrets—The "Great Replacement" Has Kicked-Off

"Sustainable Development" is the new name for neo-feudalism.

The anti-Human Insanity of the openly Luciferian United Nations and its Agenda 21 AKA Agenda 2030

United Nations outed as Luciferian by its own core writings -- Walter Veith #26 https://www.youtube.com/results?search_qu​ery=walter+veith+26

UN's '2030 Agenda’: Latest UN Plan for World Government

Socialism. They are out to grab your property, your ability to survive and thrive, your life.

Agenda 21 Phaseout of Single Family Homes in Seattle


They are working to enslave you under fake pretenses. Are you even aware? Do you even care?

Vaporized to Powder: 2,800 homes + many vehicles - DEW Attack in Cali

Melted steel girders; completely vaporized glass in numerous vehicles; no door handles, melted engine blocks -- if you haven't seen the evidence of the attack in California "wildfires" you are totally duped by Zionic media. This is the same technology used to disintegrate the WTC on 9/11.

How Darnestown and YOUR town is being undermined -- Agenda 21 in Denmark, Europe and America

Maryland's oaffish, dangerous, unnecessary and probably ineffective Zika "spraying" is also likely designed to eradicate you

How to stop the Small Cell Invasion into your neighborhood

5G cell cell Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) are coming to your neighborhood, to constantly irradiate you, at whatever power They choose.

Removing your choice.
Destroying your sanctuary.
Killing you softly, profitably.

(free) "Energy Audits" -- Their next trick to erode your privacy and get your (energy consumption) "footprint" databased (ultimately for monitoring and control via taxation / extortion)

23:00 into video

Another angle on "incubator farms" -- Montgomery Countryside Alliance, unwittingly furthering tenant farming, disempowerment, GMO transformation of the food supply? -- Deborah Tavares

Montgomery Countryside Alliance's "Land Link" program, and others like it which have recently sprung into full-force all around the country, viewed with fresh skepticism in light of UN-initiatives to erode private land ownership and self-sustenance.

To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed.